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Insulin Resistance and Weight Training

insulin resistance

Insulin Resistance and Weight Training

Regularly weight training is part of a healthy lifestyle, but there is a relationship between weight training and insulin resistance that one must know in order to maintain health and prevent health issues. Namely caused by cortisol in response to weight training.

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal glands naturally upon waking, eating, stress, and exercise.

It has myriad influences on the surrounding tissues and systems and its secretion is necessary under normal conditions.

Prolonged secretion can have a detrimental impact on the targeted organs, which are numerous, so for the sake of brevity the focus today is on the interaction with insulin and promoting conditions that put your health at risk.

Cortisol and Insulin Resistance

When cortisol is triggered, a chain reaction of events surrounds the metabolic needs of tissues and organ.

Cortisol functions by moving the necessary resources out of storage and onto the shelves for the shopping demands of predetermined systems.

With respect to the impact on the liver, cortisol triggers the release of amino acid release and subsequent protein breakdown to increase availability of fuel.

These aminos would normally have been reserved for muscle synthesis, but are not spared by cortisol’s signal.

Triglycerides are released into the blood as fatty acids, and fat stores are moved into the abdomen to send out the troops that will produce more cortisol.

This action by fat cells increases their size and number, breeding deep in the abdomen and rerouting blood supply to feed their frenzied breeding.

Cortisol also stimulates the release of glycogen from liver stores and pumps it into the blood raising glucose levels.

A prolonged state of these interactions contribute to the pummeling of the pancreas whose job surrounds rounding up the blood glucose through the insulin trooper and locking it back into tissues.

Unfortunately, the pancreas wasn’t designed to dictate this order for extended periods, and upon pooping out, the body’s resistance to insulin creates a sugary insubordination that is diagnosed as diabetes.

The exchange and relocating of fat cells contributes to the apple shape of the abdomen associated with poor health, and the increase in body fat furthers the progression of diabetes and eventual insulin dependence to replace a retired pancreas.

Diabetes is a growing disease with potentially debilitating effects on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys sometimes leading to hemodialysis and limb amputation.

Total cortisol secretion is not conducive to normal functioning since it does play a role in anti flammatory responses of the body and during fight or flight responses.

Since insulin is a natural enemy with counteractive results, spiking your glycemic index after you train is an important practice to implement.

High carb recovery drinks typically meet the requirements to increase insulin release and reduce cortisol levels, but the goal is to reduce extended periods of secretion and is also possible through supplementation.

This is important if you are over training, or under stress that is unreceptive to mitigation.

Being aware of the impacts your lifestyle can have on your health will promote an awareness to prevent the potential.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Cortisol

Since coritsol is induced by stress–whether that is mental, physical, or through sleep deprivation, the best way to combat it is to reduce stress. If you’re doing more than an hour of cardio regularly–reduce it. If you are under mental stress–meditate. If you are not getting enough sleep–and we can’t stress this enough–make time. You need 7-8 hours of sleep to properly combat cortisol levels. If you need more tips on how to create a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, sites like can be very useful in giving hints and tips.

Anti-Cortisol Supplements to Avoid Insulin Resistance

In addition to lifestyle changes, the following supplements have been shown to produce anti-cortisol properties:

Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Gingko Biloba
L-Glutamine: a protein synthesis promoting amino acid. This amino is found to have a indirect relationship with cortisol, suppressing levels with the increase of its own. Many weight trainers have a low glutamine level which provides a perfect environment for the protein catabolizing cortisol to set up camp.

If you suspect you have higher levels of cortisol, contact your doctor. He or she can run tests to determine if you do and if you catch it early enough–you may be able to avoid the insulin resistance it can eventually cause. In the meantime–you don’t need a reason to reduce stress in your life. Stress can kill–so relax a little.

Stop by our shop and check our natural supplements to help you reduce the stress in your life.


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Why Fructose is Making Your Child Fat


Why Fructose is Making Your Child Fat

Childhood obesity is growing faster than the typical first grader’s waist line, and the study of causes behind it intrigue scientists who are desperate to pull the reins in on the increasing weight of kids, and on parents’ inability to understand what roles they– and fructose– play behind their kids husky-sized pants.

A recent study searching for a root cause for scale-breaking school-aged kids determined a likely culprit is abundant in the foods which we feed our kids; fructose.

This study was conducted on both adult fat cells and growing fat cells, and concluded that fructose acts differently on actively maturing fat cells that you only find in children, and that it causes an increase in not only size of fat cells, but the number of internal fat cells.

Of the two types of fat cells, internal or visceral, and subcutaneous or fat under the skin, the internal fat cells pose the most risk to health, predisposing individuals to a number of obesity related diseases.

The study showed that fructose did not have the same effect on mature adult cells.

Fructose Affects Children’s Cells Differently

At the Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting, the following statement was issued; “Our results suggest that high levels of fructose, which may result from eating a diet high in fructose throughout childhood, may lead to an increase in visceral [abdominal] obesity, which is associated with increased cardio-metabolic risk. A large belly circumference caused by internal, or visceral fat, increases the risk of heart disease. The fructose also decreased sensitivity to insulin which prevented the uptake of blood glucose into the muscles and contributed to type II diabetes.”

Research is a nice way to get the fat making offenders out of the fog of ignorance, and to focus on what is in the junk they put in their kids’ mouths—garbage in, garbage out.

The snacks that cater to convenience and restricted schedules allow parents to blindly set their children up for a heavy childhood, diabetes, and heart disease.

The most recent research targets an ingredient alarmingly common, and found over packed in every “carb”inet in homes today.

Some fructose loaded foods include processed foods, cookies, cakes, chips, juice boxes, breads, crackers, condiments (yeah, ketchup) and cereal.

Just about everything that makes packing lunch easier makes packing on the pounds a breeze for your elementary grade child.

There are many healthy alternatives to garbage-laden grocery shelves, it just takes a little bit of searching, and here at Super Health Center we love to help people make healthy choices for themselves and for their children to encourage a lifelong exercise in well-being.

We have products that can replace the junk marketed to busy adults and their children, and also supplements to offset the effects of choices that are unavoidable. Education is key, and it’s free here.

Though it may seem like you can’t escape the omnipresent fructose additive, becoming active in seeking out healthy choices for your child is a resourceful tool against things that make your tot a fat cell factory.

You already took a step in the right direction, keep moving forward and stop by our shop to learn about organic foods options for your child.

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Arthritis Pain and Treatment


Arthritis Pain and Treatment

Arthritis is a complex disorder that is comprised of more than 100 distinct conditions that can affect people at any stage in life. The two most commonly discussed forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body– yet share the common symptom of persistent joint pain. A lot of people resort to searching ‘where can i get weed online‘ as it’s one of the only treatments that works. Luckily, it is classed as a herbal remedy and is legal in many states now. As horribly painful as arthritis can be for some people, there are ways to relieve your suffering. Arthritis pain management is achievable by means of medications, remedies, foods, supplements and alternative medicines. Don’t ever believe that arthritis relief is not an option; you are able to conquer your pain with arthritis treatments and other joint pain remedies. You may want to be aware that some of these pain relief treatments may not work as effectively on you as it does on others. So that’s why you may want to know about other types of treatments just in case you can’t find one that works for you. Some people who suffer from this type of pain may decide to turn their attention to medical cannabis which has been known to have an effect on this type of pain. You can Click here for more information about this course of pain relief treatment. Make sure you try all of the suggestions listed below first though before giving anything else a go.

Osteoarthritis is the more common of the two affecting an estimated 21 million adults in the United States alone. Osteoarthritis begins with the breakdown of joint cartilage, resulting in severe pain and stiffness. OA, or osteoarthritis typically affects the joints of the fingers, knees, hips and spine.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms:

  • Steady or intermittent pain in a joint.
  • Swelling or tenderness in several joints.
  • Stiffness after periods of inactivity.
  • Crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing bone.

Osteoarthritis often comes on slowly. Early in the disease life, your joints may ache after short spurts of physical activity, work or exercise. The second most well known type is rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, which affects several different joints, and in some peoples other parts of the body including the blood, lungs, and heart.

Inflammation of the joint lining, known as syovium, causes moderate to severe pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth and redness most commonly among those affected. The affected joint(s) may also lose their shape, resulting in the unfortunate loss of normal and natural movement.

In the United States, RA affects around 2 million Americans, most often females between the ages of 20 and 50. Younger people can develop a form of rheumatoid arthritis called juvenile RA.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms:

  • Pain and stiffness lasting longer than an hour
  • Joint tenderness, warmth and swelling
  • Joint inflammation in the wrist and finger joints
  • Fatigue, an occasional fever, and sense of not feeling well
  • Symptoms that last for an extended period of time
  • Symptoms in other parts of the body, not just the joints affected

Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation of the syovium, which leads to discomforting pain, swelling, stiffness and the eventual overall loss of function. Although RA is often a chronic disease, the severity and duration of the pain may come and go without warning.

Being in pain can be the hardest part of living with any type of arthritis. While most medicines, prescribed and over-the-counter, may not work, there are other means to help relieve your pain. Coping, managing and dealing with your pain means acknowledging that the problem is not just the pain itself. Luckily, the Paddison Program aims to help those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis with a guide on lifestyle changes and advice to dramatically deplete symptoms.

Continuous pain will have an effect on your whole life. Arthritis sufferers are faced with frequent and often ongoing pain, which sometimes will be unavoidable, but settle with the knowledge that there are ways in which you can take control of the situation.

Understanding your condition and severity of your pain should be the first step taken by arthritis sufferers. With so many different types of arthritis, there are a number of types of pain associated with this ailment. So understanding your specific case will better help you deal with it. When pain strikes, consider it the “signal” to take corrective action and steps to counteract the onset of pain.

Manage arthritis pain:

  • Pain-relieving medicines
  • Meditation and relaxation
  • Distraction
  • Heat, cold and massage
  • Arthritis remedies
  • Joint pain relievers
  • Pain relief creams
  • Supplements such as glucosamine. Glucosamine is a chemical compound found in the fluid around joints. You can find glucosamine in many forms such as: glucosamine chondroitin, glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride.
  • Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet
  • This may sound like an opposing treatment to arthritis pain, but in all actuality, exercise will make your joints feel better, not worse. Build an exercise schedule with your physician as part of your treatment plan.

If any of those means do not help with your pain, then consider taking an education course in learning how pain works, learning coping and life-management skills, or training cognitive behavioral techniques, therapy or biofeedback. These are methods of coping, reducing and helping prevent pain by using your mind.

Learn to nurture a healthy attitude. No one should ever have to live with continuous pain. It is natural to feel like the victim or experience any number of other emotions like:

  • Frustration
  • Despair
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

These emotions are normal responses to chronic pain, but know that they do help comfort and alleviate your pain. They do just the opposite and turn your negative situation into something much worse. It is understood that in many scenarios we cannot do anything about the experience of pain, but you can take a positive approach to living and coping with pain.

Practice one of the methods listed above to deal with the severity and constant pain you may be subject to. Think of your pain as something that can be dealt with and prevented, rather than manageable suffering. Understand your condition, the pain you are bothered with and ways in which you can help alleviate arthritis pain.

Talk to your doctor first. As always, stop by our shop and review our selection of premium natural treatments to help alleviate inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

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How Sleep Increases Testosterone Levels

sleep increases testosterone

How Sleep Can Increase Testosterone Levels

You’ve probably heard hardcore competitors tout the benefit of sleep in maintaining and gaining strength and size. As “beauty sleep” drove the damsels indoors for their daily afternoon nap back in the day, so does a good night’s sleep attract the joggers, jocks, and gym rats. However, when questioned about how muscle size or strength is sleep-induced, you’ll often get a vacant stare and stock response such as, “Cuz that’s when your body repairs itself.” While that’s not completely untrue, its how sleep increases testosterone.

It starts with circadian rhythms and hormonal response, which is the true benefit of getting enough sleep. You can Click Here for more info about that.

Sleep Increases Testosterone Levels: The Five Stages of Sleep

There are five stages of sleep:

Stage 1, drowsiness.

Stage 2, light sleep.

Stages 3 and 4 both deep sleep.

Stage 5 REM (rapid eye movement).

It takes approximately 100 minutes, or just under two hours to complete this cycle with the bulk of the cycle spent on the first four stages.

A person can experience five of these stages during a night’s rest.

The importance of these stages corresponds to the stage in sleep during which testosterone levels are spiked by increased serum levels of luteinizing hormone; the agonist to testosterone production and secretion.

The theory that sleep increases testosterone was the subject of many scientifically centered studies to isolate the stage in which serum testosterone levels were highest.

The results concluded that just prior to the onset of REM, a spike in LH triggers testosterone increase and peak during REM. In other words, the folks in the white lab coats confirmed sleep increases testosterone.

But remember, REM is the last stage in the cycle, so if you aren’t getting enough sleep, or you are taking something that interferes with your body’s natural rhythm, you short yourself of the stash of testosterone your body is trying to provide.

These peaks and spikes are most prominent in adolescents and may very well be accountable for the vivid nocturnal emissions and deviant dreams of teenagers that call for much embarrassment and extra loads of laundry.

Snoozing is no thing that teens fight as they sleep through excessively indulgent periods resembling nothing more than a sloth on a cot.

And recall as well, men of middle age, the very pronounced libido of younger days that had you slipping into the bathroom to avoid embarrassment.

Also a side effect of testosterone.

This sleep concept is crucial to those bodybuilders who want to get the most out of their bulking efforts. Even for athletes who want to retain and improve strength and stamina, and especially important for middle-aged men and older. Older men are on the onset of andropause at age 30, and it accounts for up to 2% of testosterone loss per annum which leading to hair loss, muscle loss, libido, and virility loss that sidles up alongside this unseemly decline. Sleep is paramount in healthy living. Some may face insomnia, which can be relieved by taking recreational drugs like thc syrup or any other cannabis product of your choice. Getting sufficient sleep can immensely help your sex life. And to keep your libido up, you’ll need to stay sexually active. You’d think this would be easy for those in couples, but sometimes the sex can become boring and one or both of you can become less interested in sex. There are many things you can do to spice things up again – some people like adding toys or exploring sexual fantasies, for example. How about role play with an animal tail? You could complete your costume with some ears or a nose. Whatever you like! Watching porn videos is another great way for your bedroom activities to stay on the calendar. If you’re want to give this method a try, you may want to take a look into TubeV ( for more information.

So to promote the hub of your manhood, the supporter of size and the life of your libido, set aside a solid 7-8 hours to ensure your sleep increases testosterone.

Before you drift off to sleep, stop by our shop and check out our sleep aids, natural testosterone boosters and other natural supplements to get your circadian and hormonal rhythm back.

Now go to bed.

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How Bad is Aspartame?


Aspartame Addiction

Do you find yourself craving diet drinks like Pepsi or Coca-Cola? What about coffee that is sweetened with aspartame-laden artificial sugar? Perhaps your favorite beverage is a calorie-free (aspartame containing) iced tea.

These all sound good and healthy, right? After all, there’s little to no calories and they’re not loaded with sugar.

What many people don’t realize is that while they may be reducing calorie intake, they may be causing a different kind of harm to themselves that is very real and can cause a variety of negative side effects. If you’re addicted to aspartame, keep reading.

What is Aspartame?

Aspartame is comprised of three ingredients; methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid.

Phenylalanine and aspartic acid are both free form amino acids, essential to the body on a variety of levels.

The major concern here is methanol.

Methanol is a colorless, poisonous and flammable liquid used in the making of formaldehyde, paint strippers and other compounds that one would never be found putting in their body on purpose.

You can find out more information about methanol and learn how it can be safely stored by checking out the Storemasta website.

Aspartame Breaks Down Brain Nerve Function

The aspartic acid in aspartame may seem harmless since it’s an amino acid, but it is what’s known as an excitotoxin.

An excitotoxin overstimulates nerve cells in the brain creating a breakdown of nerve function in which they will eventually excite themselves to death.

Aspartame leads to altered brain function and nerve damage. Many people think this is an allergic reaction, but this untrue.

Aspartame is a true toxin, and many people are addicted to it.

In 2010, sales of Diet Coke were second only to traditional Coke, and they continued to rise.

Many people often state that they cannot live without their Diet Coke, or think about the yo-yo dieter who lives on Crystal Light to satiate their cravings.

This is no accident; it’s an addiction. Withdrawal symptoms have also been associated with the discontinued use of aspartame.

While these symptoms vary, some cases have shown withdrawal symptoms similar to that of heroin. This is a scary scenario.

Why Doesn’t the FDA Ban Aspartame?

So why does the FDA not ban it?

There has been significant effort on the part of many health-conscious Americans to rid our society of this toxic substance, but so far to no avail. Unfortunately, these arguments are quickly brushed aside, citing the data as “out-dated”. If you are one of those Americans who just can’t live without your daily diet drink, you may want to consider the damage that is being done to your health over the long term. It’s definitely not too late to get off this harmful substance, and it may just add years to your life.

Want to reverse or improve the damage you’ve done? Stop by our shop and check out our detox and reset supplements.

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A Simple Guide to Bulking

guide to bulking

A Simple Guide to Bulking

During winter many weight lifters take this opportunity to pack on mass. This year, instead of adding pounds of unwanted and useless body fat, why not take a smarter approach and focus more on gaining quality weight? Bulking shouldn’t mean “getting fat,” and there are smart ways to put on mass without adding a ton of excess body weight.

Guide to Bulking: Increase Healthy Food Intake

The most obvious way to gain quality weight is to eat more. I don’t mean stuffing your face with milkshakes, pizza and beer (although that will probably put on a lot of weight). I’m talking about increasing the amount of healthy foods you already eat. I prefer to eat more carbs, and during a bulking phase, a good way to go about adding muscle is to increase your carb and protein intake by about 10%. If this doesn’t put the weight on fast enough, bump it up to 15 or 20%. As body weight and muscle mass increases, more calories are needed in order to keep packing on quality weight.

Guide to Bulking: Weight Gainers

Weight gainers are also an excellent way to increase lean body mass. Stay away from the ones that are packed with sugar and boast thousands of calories per serving. A quality weight gain powder will be high in carbs and protein, but low in sugar. A general rule of thumb is that the sugar content shouldn’t be more than 10% of the overall carb content.

Guide to Bulking: Amino Acids

Another way to aid your bulking phase is to increase your supplement intake. Of course, weight gainers and protein powder count as supplements, but why not try creatine, amino acids and other supplements designed to build muscle? Keep in mind that you should complete as much research as you possibly can, such as whether this superior supplement manufacturing company was behind the making and distributing of your supplement before buying them, as this could make all of the difference to the results that you wish to see in the long run. Do not use these supplements as the sole source of your weight gain plan, since as always, a proper nutrition plan needs to be in place first.

A bulking phase is sure to put on a little excess fat, but it should not get out of control. Making smarter decisions regarding nutrition and supplements will help to make sure that a bulking phase does not turn into a fattening phase. This way, when it comes times to shed body fat, dieting is easier and new muscle mass has been gained to show off for the summer months.

Want more help? Stop by the shop and pick up some premium bulking supplements.

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Is Alcohol Really That Bad?


Is Alcohol Really that Bad?

I’m sure you’ve heard about or read about how certain alcoholic drinks can be beneficial to your health. Generally, a glass of red wine per day is the recommendation, but what about how other alcoholic drinks affect the body?

Are they all really that bad?

Alcohol’s Affect on the Body

While it may seem like fun, as you drink, your judgment becomes impaired–leading you to make poor decisions like drinking more.

Drinking in excess is what causes issues.

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration since alcohol suppresses the production of anti-diuretic hormone and can lead to electrolyte imbalances.

Too much alcohol can also lead to stomach distress since alcohol causes the stomach cells to produce excess gastric acid.

Drinking moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages can also lead to high blood pressure.

Alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of health problems, and excessive alcohol consumption can only make these problems worse.

According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a 2009 article showed that alcoholic beverage consumption increased estrogen levels (a major factor in breast cancer), and as little as one alcoholic drink per day can increase the risk of breast cancer.

In other organs, heavy alcohol consumption can lead to pancreatitis, in which the pancreas becomes inflamed and is a major cause of pancreatic cancer. No one wants to hear that they have cancer, so it’s important to drink alcohol in sensible amounts. If you notice that you have some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, it’s important to book an appointment straight away with a doctor. They can use ultrasounds, from websites like, to see the pancreas and examine whether there is a growing tumor on the pancreas. If so, doctors will run tests to see whether that tumor is benign or malignant.

In the liver, heavy alcohol use can cause the liver to accumulate fat and lead to hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver.

In addition to hepatitis, the liver can succumb to cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver cells cannot regenerate and may also lead to liver failure. In addition to cirrhosis being bad for your health, it could also affect your chances of being approved for insurance, in this case getting advice from a Special Risk Managers could be a good route for you.

In high amounts, alcohol kills brain cells and can lead to memory loss and permanent brain damage.

These are just the physical ramifications of heavy alcoholic beverage consumption.

Alcohol abuse can also lead to relationship problems, trouble at work, and legal problems like drunk driving. So many people are stopped for drunk driving every year, so it’s clear to see that excessive amounts of alcohol can cause legal problems. If an individual is ever accused of drunk driving, it’s important that they consider finding a criminal defense attorney to represent them. A defense lawyer should be able to fight their case for them, hopefully, reducing their sentence. Alcohol can be dangerous if drunk irresponsibly, so be sure to drink in moderation.

In summary it can cause:

  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Stomach distress
  • Pancreatitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Brain cell death
  • Memory loss
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Relationship problems

While it may be safe to enjoy a glass of red wine each day, getting loaded on a frequent, or even an infrequent basis has some pretty steep consequences. While the use of supplents from a company like Simply Nootropics may help to negate some of the long term cognative problems of alcohol, the best solution is to drink responsibly and know what your limits are.

Want to improve your health? Stop by the shop and check out our selection of premium supplements.

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Soy: Breast Cancer’s Buddy or Beneficial Bean?


Soy: Breast Cancer’s Buddy or Beneficial Bean?

There has been much literature attributed to this flavorless protein in a pod; highlighting amazing health benefits of adding soy to your diet in whatever form you find most appealing, or the least unappetizing.

Commonly found in many Asian dishes disguised by creatively flavored tofu, it’s also widely used in dairy substitutes for the lactose intolerant in the form of almost milk, and a puzzling cheese-ish product.

Research shows a high amino acid profile upon which they base their statement of a complete protein equal to a meat source. Claims made of reducing heart disease, lowering cholesterol, and aiding in menopausal ailments have all made the Soy Benefits list.

However, recent research is questioning a disturbing relationship soy may hold behind the scenes; contributing to breast cancer like a lobbyist to a politician’s pocket.

Recent research shows an interesting link between the soy derived isoflavones and their impact on developing breast tumors.

Soy and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer cells proliferate under estrogen influence, and isoflavones have an estrogen-like effect through binding to estrogen receptors and stimulating existing estrogen dependent tumor growth.

Studies have even shown that a high soy diet interferes with the anti-estrogenic effects of tamoxifen, prescribed to current breast cancer sufferers, by decreasing its estrogen blocking ability, opening up the cancer’s food channels like a breast cancer buffet.

The effect of isoflavones during research appeared specific to those who already have malignant breast tumors, and suggests that eating a high soy diet reflects in a 66% lower affected female Asian population.

But as we all know, we don’t always know when we have a tumor, so the idea that we may be unknowingly contributing to its growth until the next mammogram, sits a little heavily on the stomach much like an oily loaf of tofu.

But every day it seems like positions change on foods and health….

There are so many research based studies, each contrary to the last release of results; it gets to the point where you’ve just run out to stock up on the next best thing, and while you’re standing in line, a press release comes out and claims it will do you harm, or there’s no basis behind it.

It’s frustrating to try to figure out who and what to believe. Here at Super Health Center  we believe in comprehensive education, and we are continually updating ourselves on the latest studies so that we can guide customers to make their own choices based on substantiated facts.

You can never know too much about what you are putting in your body, and you should make every effort understand what you are buying.

So, bottom line is to do your homework to achieve an informed decision, because with yet another considerably inconclusive stance, we are left scratching our heads wondering if soy is a destructive decoy, or a life enhancing legume.

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Should You Eat the Egg or Just Egg Whites?

whole eggs or egg whites? the verdict

Should You Eat the Egg or Just Egg Whites?

If you’ve ever decided to eat healthier–like you might be right now, then you’ve probably asked yourself this same question: “Which is healthier, eating a whole egg scrambled or eating only the egg white?” Many health and nutrition specialists have their own opinions on which you, “should” or, “shouldn’t” eat–but in the end, it really depends all on you and what your goals are.

Regular Egg Nutrition vs. Egg Whites

A regular large grade A egg contains many nutritious vitamins and minerals.–and most of the vitamins and minerals come from the egg yolk itself.

The average scrambled egg has about 5 grams of fat.

Most of the fat in the egg is healthy, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.


Eggs are a great source of protein, and contain about 6 grams total. The protein in the egg is naturally separated to about 3 grams in the yolk and 3 grams in the white. Iron, Selenium, Zinc, and Phosorus are also found in the contents of an egg along with vitamins A, D, and E which are vital to our health.

The yolk of the egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol, which is why a lot of health and nutrition experts might recommend you don’t eat eggs.

But that is often misleading. You are permitted 300 mg of cholesterol per day, but the effect of eggs on blood cholesterol is very low compared to trans and saturated fats (that often accompany breakfast).

In fact, eating 7 eggs per week is shown to reduce some stroke risk and has no effect on the heart.

One large egg white obviously does not have nearly as much nutrition as a whole scrambled egg. Although, it does contain less fat, zero cholesterol, and is only 17 calories total.

Egg whites also contain only receiving 3 grams of protein versus 6 with the yolk.

While egg whites do not contain vitamins A or C, they do contain potassium and you can eat a lot more of them without the cholesterol, fat and calories of eating too many whole eggs.

If you’re a fan of eggs– and only 7 a week seems like a punishment–add egg whites into your meal plan and get the best of both worlds.

The Verdict in Eggs vs. Egg Whites

So, the verdict in the debate of eggs or egg whites? Both.

Oh, and stay away from vegetable oils and unhealthy trans-fats that really hurt your heart.

Concerned about your heart health? Stop by the shop for natural premium supplements designed to protect your heart.

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The Yo-Yo Diet

yo yo diet

The Yo-Yo Diet

Ahh yes, the Yo-Yo Diet. Aptly called that because so many have succumbed to the ups and downs of weight loss and weight gain. No, there is no actual “Yo-Yo Diet,” but are you one of those people who struggles with your weight, having the ability to lose it, only to gain it all back again (and then some) after only a brief period of time? If so, then pay close attention to what you’re about to read.

Stop Saying You’re on a Diet

First off, you must stop thinking that you are on a diet. Diet is an ugly word, and quite honestly, diets do not work. I know that sounds crazy, but think about this; when you diet, you are planning to follow a planned eating regimen until you reach a specific weight goal….but what happens when you reach that goal?

Do you go back to normal eating? Do you follow a new plan? If you return to your normal eating routine of fast food, sugar-loaded coffee drinks and bakery goods, guess what happens? The weight comes back on with a vengeance, and you usually end up gaining a little extra. What happened? The Yo-Yo Diet.

The Body’s Fat Cells Don’t Go Away

Here’s how this works; when we gain body fat, the body is creating new fat cells. During that diet period, those fat cells shrink, but they do not leave your body. The only way to actually remove these cells from your body is through liposuction, and we are not recommending that.

Once you achieve your weight loss goal and you go back to your old way of eating, those existing fat cells fill back up with fat that is ingested, and it happens very quickly. It’s unfair, I know, but that’s why dieting and returning to old eating habits does not work.

An added reason dieting does not work is that people tend to jump right into them full-go from the get go.

You’re going to burn yourself out that way, and that will lead to failure. Think about it; on one day, you’re out eating whatever you want, but the next day, all of the sudden your favorite foods are on the “No” list. It’ll drive you crazy and you’ll hate it. That’s no way to go about trying to lose weight.

Instead, go about your weight loss goal this way; think of it as a lifestyle change.

Change Your Lifestyle

You’re going to be healthier, but over a gradual period of time. If you drink a lot of soda, cut it out of your plan. That’s one small change that you can handle, and it’ll make a big difference in your body. Once you’re accustomed to not drinking soda anymore, cut the fast food down to once a week, and then eventually not at all (unless you’re splurging). I think you get the idea. To avoid the Yo-Yo Diet effect, you have to make small, steady changes to your life–not hop on the Yo-Yo Diet train and expect long-term results.

Improving your health should not be a daunting task. With the small, incremental changes, you’ll find it’s much easier to stick to your plan, and you’ll be able to lose the weight and keep it off, permanently.

If you need help in your weight loss journey, take the same approach–do not get some stimulant pill promising you to lose 20 pounds in your first week. Get a natural supplement that has ingredients that are scientifically supported. Super Health Center carries one in particular called CapsiLean. It tackles multiple causes of weight gain. From burning more calories, blocking carbs and burning fat–you can lose weight and keep it off–naturally. Cut the string on the Yo-Yo and get back in those jeans. Get it here.