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What is Vaso6


If you’re looking for pump and you found Vaso6 in your product, you’re about to get informed and pumped.

Vaso6 is a patented ingredient that is all natural. It increases nitric oxide production, blood flow and is proven to increase your vasodilation by 50 percent.

Vaso6 Q&A What is Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide is a molecule that our body produces during certain chemical reactions. NO helps the body’s relax and widen arteries and blood vessels so more blood can pass through. Exercise causes the body to need more oxygen. So when you lift weights or train, your body naturally starts releasing NO. But as we age, we aren’t as efficient as producing NO.

Enter: Vaso6. Not only does it help your body produce it, it is clinically proven to open up those veins by 50 percent! This means more oxygen fueling your muscles so you can work out longer.

Vaso6 Q&A : What are the other benefits of nitric oxide

  • Since Nitric oxide relaxes vessel walls, it improves blood pressure.
  • NO is also extremely beneficial for the heart.
  • Nitric oxide also has anti-inflammatory benefits
  • NO helps prevent white blood cells and platelets from sticking to vessel walls which can prevent plaque build up.
  • NO helps keep aging vessels flexible.
  • Nitric Oxide is beneficial to help prevent cardiovascular disease

When should I take Vaso6 or nitric oxide?

Of course, we are always going to defer to your doctor first. If you’re in good health and cleared to take supplements, NO supplements can benefit you at any time, but if you’re an athlete—taking them 0-30 minutes prior to your workout will help boost your nitric oxide production, get your blood vessels relaxed so you can pump more oxygen to your muscles and go longer.

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What is Agmatine?


What is Agmatine?

If you’re looking up agmatine, you’re probably researching a good pre-workout supplement. We like that. Working out the muscles AND the brain.


Agmatine, in short, helps nitric oxide stick around longer in the body. This means you can improve your training performance and results.

Agmatine is actually a neurotransmitter that athletes benefit from immensely.

What is Agmatine?

Derived from arginine, agmatine is a neurotransmitter. It can help with pain perception in the body.

But when it comes to your NO supplement or pre-workout, it can help extend the amount of time Nitric Oxide stays in your body.

How Does Agmatine Affect Nitric Oxide

Agmatine blocks the enzymes that break down nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide relaxes your blood vessels, allowing more blood and oxygen to be delivered to your muscles and organs.

The result? Nourished muscles that can train longer.

So what does this mean? If you pair Agmatine with a nitric oxide supplement, you are boosting NO production through the supplement AND you’re also extending the time NO hangs around in your body.

The longer nitric oxide is present, the longer you get increased blood flow and oxygen to your muscles. That means a longer workout.

This ideal environment for more pumps and longer fullness can lead to bigger and better results.

Looking for better results? Get a preworkout with agmatine in it to help extend the amount of time nitric oxide works for you and your body.

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Food and Beverage Industry Trends for 2019

food and beverage

Food and Beverage Industry Trends for 2019

Personalization isn’t the only trend in the distribution industry; food and beverage is setting standards of its own. Technology, culture and generational influence are all factors in the trends for 2019 and years to come.

By understanding these changes, you will be able to define necessary strategies to maintain an advantage over your competitors, especially if you also find bar and restaurant consultants to assist you with implementing them.

Food and Beverage Industry Trends: Convenience, Convenience, Convenience

Convenience seems to be redefined every year when new technology makes last year’s new conveniences nothing more than detestable burdens.

Now, mix in convenience with ever increasingly health conscious consumers and you’ve got a whole new ballgame.

People want convenient healthy foods with flavor, fast. We notified you in 2018 about delivery apps making waves in world of convenience. Now, think sustainably packaged and prepared meals delivered via their smart phones. No, not snail-slow 2-day delivery-in an hour or less.

Weekly meals prepared and packaged that can be delivered on demand-not via a required monthly subscription.

Savory flavors, sides, condiments and healthy beverages, all packaged and delivered through your new sustainable strategy. 

Speaking of sustainability….

Food and Beverage Industry Trends: Product Sustainability

People don’t just care about how sustainable your business is anymore, they want to know that it endures the product’s lifecycle. They want to know the sources were sustainably produced, packaging is sustainably wrapped, delivery and waste are wrought with sustainability strategies. They want to feel good about what they buy and how it impacts their world.

This new culture requires a partnerships between manufacturers, suppliers, storefronts and regulators to make sustainability survive the lifecycle.

You may have seen these changes recently with plastic grocery bags being phased out of some big name stores, and plastic straws being removed from drink options in the absence of a request.

If you want to stay ahead of the game, don’t just improve your packaging, improve your relationships with the partners you’ll need to create a corporate sustainability program.

Work out strategies and discuss alternatives to making your company, and the world, a better place.

Finally, in order to make the world a better place, we need to make ourselves better.

Food and Beverage Industry Trends: Healthy Options

Health is the focal point for consumers as more people realize the impact food has on longevity. Preservatives and artificial are now four letter words. People want natural and healthy options. Some need it-for their health.

Options that are healthy without artificial ingredients are key this year and going forward. Take that up a notch and offer foods and beverages that help improve symptoms related to illnesses and you’ve just changed the game.

People want to start preserving bone health, protecting their organs, improving their brain function and more. They are preventative.

Those who suffer from certain conditions are ever on the hunt for options that will make their lives easier, healthier and their conditions better.

Food and Beverage Industry Trends: Develop Your Strategy Today

Now that you know the plays, you need a game plan. Put it in action and take the lead in your industry. Unsure how to start? Super Health Center is a single source for all your business needs. Packaging? No problem. Partnerships? We’ve got them. Product development? We do that, too.

Just reach out and we’ll get you started on your strategy so you can offer what your customers want most.

We do it all from e-commerce to brand development. Contact us, let us make you the leaders in tomorrow’s trends,today.

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How Does Caffeine Work and Is Caffeine Good For You?

To understand caffeine, we’ll need to put on our white lab coats and go back to science class.

Let’s start with adenosine.

Adenosine is a chemical produced in the thinker. It’s a pre-sleep chemical that slows everything down and gets you ready for bed.

Caffeine is like an adenosine imposter.

It looks, chemically, like adenosine. So the adenosine receptors are like “HEY YOU! Come here and get this body ready for bed time, won’t ya?”

And caffeine, is like “Who, me?” as it saunters over to the receptors before

AH HAing it and speeding up the body.

After caffeine takes up all the adenosine seats, the brain has trouble identifying adenosine and so caffeine takes control.

In response, the body starts freaking out in its usual fashion and releases emergency hormones like adrenaline. Heart rate increases, airways dilate, blood pressure increases, sugar is released into the body as your muscles constrict ready to take on whatever imaginary foe your brain has thought up.

This persists for about 4-6 hours until it wears off.

So, are there any benefits besides becoming alert enough to make it through Monday morning traffic?

Actually, yes!

The Benefits of Caffeine

Studies show two cups of coffee a day can decrease the risk for cancer of the colon by a whopping 20 percent. Some people who are caffeine lovers may look up deals such as “subscriptions to have your beans delivered every two weeks” so they are never without their fix!

Caffeine fans are also 75 percent less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease and cirrhosis.

Its helpful in the reducing symptoms of asthma, headaches and menstrual cramps, too.

And some studies show when combining caffeine with exercise that you could reduce pre-cancerous skin cells. Now, don’t go and drink a whole carafe of coffee. Three cups a day, or 300mg is considered moderate. Additionally, it should be stated that caffeine may be a problem for people with heart conditions.

So there you have it, the science behind caffeine and the surprising additional benefits of taking caffeine.

Not a coffee fan? Want to incorporate it into your training program? Get Prolab’s caffeine-its our best selling advanced caffeine on the market delivered in a convenient pill.

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Distribution Challenges Your Business Should Know About

Distribution Challenges Your Business Should Know About

Its no secret that our expectations of distributors fall short of pulling rabbits out of hats. Distributors can be the Miracle Gro your firm needs to scale or they can be the weeds that slowly choke the life you’re your future goals.

That’s why we’ve made it clear that vetting and selecting distributors should be done with the utmost care.

In order to make the best selection, understanding what challenges distributors face can help.

Challenges Distributors Face #1: Information Access

Distributors will always have more information about your product’s path than you will because they get it first! They are you information gatekeepers. As such, they have to ensure their resources provide easy access to information you want when you want it. The information they provide will help you make informed and strategic decisions based on facts.

Challenges Distributors Face #2: Coordinate & Collaborate

Distributors are the communication bridge between you and your direct and indirect channels. As such, they have to connect you, your technology and everyone else’s together in some translatable fashion. Their ability to integrate THEIR data with everyone else’s available systems is key to successfully facilitating communication and technology between parties that lead to coordinated collaboration. In order to collaborate within businesses, it’s important that members of staff all have access to the documents that they need. By using the SharePoint migration services from Bamboo Solutions, more businesses should be able to allow collaboration on Office365 documents. This ensures that all people can access whatever files they need to complete their work.

Challenges Distributors Face #3: Inventory Data

Inventory is the nucleus of distribution decisions. Real time access can help them in making purchasing, sales, marketing and contract decisions that can ultimately benefit your bottom line. Having a distributor who is equipped with real-time data software such as this Stream processing powered by Apache Flink – Ververica can offer for example, can help you grow faster due to never having any inventory issues thanks to having always-up-to-date data on your particular stock levels.

There you have it, the top three challenges distributors face in staying on top of a super saturated market. So, how does that help you? It helps you select the ones whose challenges aren’t insurmountable mountains. If they have the data, technology and visibility challenges reined in, you might have yourself a perfect match for your growing company.

Ready to put your research to the test? Reach out to us now. We are a single source for all distribution needs. From brand growth and gating to international product launch, we have all our challenges reined in so we’re ready to take your business to the next level. Reach out today.

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How a Channel Manager Can Solve Distribution Problems

channel manager

How a Channel Manager Can Solve Distribution Problems

Sales are the thing that keeps businesses alive. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a freelancer doing small projects, an author learning about book metadata or a global business – without sales, you just won’t survive. But what happens when you don’t have an optimized process for once you get those sales? Distribution sales through channels is key to a successful business, but those channels can get bottle necked, clogged and create time-consuming issues that can end up impacting your reputation and your bottom line. Enter: The Sales Channel Manager.

What is a Channel Manager

As for any complex process, managing it is key to keeping it efficient and addressing problems before they turn into profit killers. An efficient channel allows your organization to cover a broad market and diminish demands on your resources.

But, it isn’t self-sufficient.

A channel manager works directly with your channel partners to help vet, select, train, and monitor them to ensure your business requirements are met and your strategies are carried out effectively while representing your customer-centric firm professionally.

Through these interpersonal relationships cultivated by the channel manager, your firm can be proactive in identifying weaknesses and opportunities and using that information to devise marketing and sales strategies.


Channel Managers

  • Vet Channel Partners
  • Select Channel Partners
  • Train Channel Partners
  • Monitor Channel Partners
  • Cultivate Relationships with Channel Partners

All of the channel manager’s tasks are centered around product knowledge– which is directly tied to customer service.

Why Product Knowledge Matters

Channel managers are tasked with training channel partners and providing them with material to help market your product. If your partners do not have sufficient knowledge or information about your product, you lose sales.

No one buys a car from a car salesperson who doesn’t know the difference between a v6 and v8-why would your customers buy from a partner who doesn’t know your products? You must dedicate time and material to bringing your partners to speed. This investment will pay off in sales, but the time it takes can be overwhelming. Enter: your channel manager.

After training, your partners will be more equipped to foster relationships with customers, share product knowledge and increase sales.

During this training, your channel manager will also train your partners on customer service expectations and how to respond to issues with products and services.

Your channel manager should also be responsible for incentive plan distribution to help keep your partners motivated to knowing, selling and supporting your product and customers.

Your business is the tree, and every relationship is a root. A channel manager waters the roots so your business can grow through sales, partnerships and customer service.

Tackling these time consuming tasks on your own you risk uneducated partners, poor customer service and lost sales.

Channel managers can change your game.

Why stop there? Change the whole game by selecting a single source solution for all your brand needs. Super Health Center offers brand solutions from e-commerce to brand development that can take your brand from local to global. Reach out now and let us help you grow.

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What is Product Distribution?


What Is Product Distribution?

Product distribution, simplified, is getting your products to customers through various channels. From online to in-store, there are a lot of behind-the-scenes tasks taking place to make it all happen. For example, there will be researching of LTL trucking companies, as well as other transportation networks, to see which one would be best in certain circumstances.

So, let’s start with the basics…

What is a Distributor?

A distributor is a business or person who buys your goods and then supplies them to the market through various channels.

Distributors must have the ability to warehouse, consolidate and transport your goods where they need to go. They should be logistics pros and have a strong reputation. With doors like those of the Industrial Door Company ( – be they roll-up or other specialty door installations – warehouses should be well equipped to cope with the deliveries and distribution of their goods in their loading-bay, allowing for products from trucks to quickly pass through into the main storage building and vice versa.

Why does their reputation matter?

Because they will increase your sales with their network. A strong reputation builds a strong network.

Distributors work with companies, consumers, manufacturers and more. They cultivate relationships that can benefit your business. Through their experience and relationships, your product finds more channels and exposure for sales.

The Right Distributor will Help you Succeed

Hiring a distributor is just the first step in the journey you will take together. Successful distribution that maximizes your profits is a collaborative effort. So it’s important to pick a distributor you can work WITH.

Once you vet and select your distributor, you should be very hands-on with the process to ensure your MAP pricing, stock and reputation are carefully handled.

This means the job has to be done swiftly but properly – you have to make sure your chosen distributor is moving your products safely and carefully. They must have the correct safety protocols, rules and regulations of their workers, and invest in the correct and highest quality materials to ensure your products arrive in the same condition as advertised. As an example, sometimes to transport a lot of items, bulk bags are used. These need to be the correct material with desirable properties to ensure your product is compact and cannot be damaged.

You should have a team or lead that is responsible for keeping the lines of communication open between your sales and marketing teams and distribution, especially. Both can benefit from each other’s information and insight.

A dedicated software program to facilitate communication and data tracking is crucial to efficient accurate information and sales.

Data analyses can bring insight to both sides that increases sales and profit. IT can help identify gaps in the supply chain, logistics, transportation or shipping that can reduce your cost of doing business and increase customer satisfaction. In today’s technological world, tech tools are crucial to success.

But to reach success, you have to plan and execute your distribution strategy properly.

Super Health Center is a full-service single source solution for all your brand needs. From brand growth and development to international launch and legal, we can take your brand from local to global.

Start planning for success now and reach out.

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Distribution Trends for 2019

distribution trends 2019

Distribution Trends for 2019

It’s no secret technology is providing more and more opportunities to businesses— and when it comes to distribution we are enjoying our fair share of the spoils.

Gone are the days where wholesale distribution stands in the shadow of retail; eCommerce is effectively shutting the doors of some brick and mortars while distributors are advancing alongside technology, and should companies be thinking any different when it’s been recorded that increasing numbers of people would rather shop online? For more information regarding this, have a look over this 96% of Americans shop online at least once a year source.

That’s precisely why you’re here-to stay on top of distribution trends so you can skate into 2019 prepared for success.

Shall we?

2019 Global Distribution Trends: Global Expansion

We started with this one because if we had to pick the top trend for 2019-international growth is where it’s at. Purchases are being made online and across seas. Distributors that digitize their workflows will continue to reap the rewards of being technologically prepared. From purchasing to payment technologies, distributors at this point should have digital foundations if they want to compete in the market.

2019 Global Distribution Trends: Reputation and Referrals

Now, while technology has leveled the playing field for distributors, it has also made all businesses more accountable for the way they operate. Having a good reputation is a must-along with word of mouth referrals from customers. As such, marketing budgets should be transitioned from ads and focused more on building the brand voice, online presence and customer loyalty (be it with help from or through other means). Nielsen reported that trust from potential customers if found from friends, branded sites, and reviews. In other words, people want to work with a company that is real, reputable and referred.

2019 Global Distribution Trends: Technology, Technology, Technology

Everyone wants convenience, and today, it’s a requirement if you want to compete. eCommerce technology to aid in online orders, payments, vendor set up, and more are all things that should already be available in your firm for 2019. If its not-you’re not ready.

Automation to manage your workflow and operations and improve shipping is key to keeping pace with 2019 trends.

Order management and inventory technologies are also on the list to help you make decisions based on data and to stay at the front of the pack. For this reason, you will need a shipping service that aims to provide your business with the same high performances when it comes to operation and distribution. A service like plexus freight the freight forwarding company could give you what you need to keep on top of 2019 trends.

As 2019 progresses, expect upgrades and advances to demand adaptation from you if you want success from the market.

2019 Global Distribution Trends: Quality

And with more technology integrated into your framework, think about compliance and quality.

Gone are the days where a dissatisfied customer is handled confidentially-now, the world is listening with platforms that reach ‘round the globe. This is a good thing. It means we are all now more accountable to be high quality and compliant. The alternative to being aware and proactive is backlash from bad reviews and recalls.

With technology, you should be able to monitor and ensure quality and compliance at every step of your workflow.

Make 2019 the year where the only thing people talk about online is how great your products/services are.

2019 Global Distribution Trends: Relationship Management

There is no doubt that for all the advantages technology offers, relationships can become lost or damaged through glitches or dehumanized experiences. BE CUSTOMER CENTRIC. Allow technology to offer convenience, but don’t forget humans offer customer SERVICE. Serve your customers, pick up the phone, talk with them and don’t rely solely on technology to foster your relationships. If you do need to use technology to assist you when it comes to improving your relationship management, then something like this crm for small business platform can help to increase your sales, customer satisfaction, and revenue, to name a few. All of these things can help you to become more successful in the long run. With technology leading the trends in 2019, many may fall short of taking a large market share, simply because their strategy ignores the fact that we are all still human. Treat people with that in mind and you’re set for success in 2019.

Is your distributor or brand falling short of 2019’s expectations? Reach out. We are a full-service distributions solutions firm. From brand growth to international expansion-we’ll get you ready for 2019.

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Steps to Choosing the Right Distribution Methods

distribution method

Steps to Choosing the Right Distribution Methods

As we covered in our “How to Choose the Right Distribution Channels” post, a lot of ‘self-reflection’ goes into making decisions. But aside from looking inside your company, you must also look outside the company-at your competitors.

Many companies such as pharmaceutical companies need to ensure the safe but quick transport of products and therefore hire in pharmaceutical distribution experts to help them do this. However if you are on your own, evaluating your competition will help you craft several strategies, your competitive advantage and ultimately the vehicles to sell your product.

To start, create an outline:

  • Internal and External Threats-this step should be done via your internal reflections and should include a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).
  • Competitor profile:
    • Marketing strategies
    • Distribution channels
    • USP (Unique Selling Position)
    • Brand voice and presence
    • E-commerce deep dive
  • Identify costs of each potential channel selection

This outline will help you create a strategy with ranked channels to guide your final prioritized selection.

As you go through your outline, learning more about your own company and your competitors is key. The more you know about both will help you make the most effective decisions.

In addition to evaluating your competitor’s profile, evaluating your top competitors’ distribution methods will also help you make the most cost-effective and successful decision on your selected channels and methods.

After all, if they’re competing with you, chances are, they’ve been through this and can give you a good birds-eye view of what will and won’t work for your company.

Choose Distribution Methods that Align with Your Resources and Objectives

Once you narrow down your options, utilize your budgets and financials to determine what methods you can afford. Choosing a distributor that provides comprehensive solutions is a great option to reduce expenses associated with limited distribution companies or ala carte solutions offered by several different distributors.

Evaluate the costs associated with each method that makes sense for your business.

Methods include:

  • Wholesaler/Distributor
  • Media Sales
  • E-commerce
  • Brick & Mortar
  • Direct Sales
  • Direct Mailers

Once you analyze the methods that match your budgets, then prioritize your options. Which method will provide the most benefits for your investments? Start there.

Need help? We’ve all been there. We are a single source of all your solution needs. Reach out and let us guide you through the process today so you can start competing tomorrow.

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How to Choose the Right Distribution Channels

distribution channels

How to Choose the Best Distribution Channels

You’ve invested careful consideration into developing your product, your brand, your marketing strategy and unique selling position-you must now put the same care into selecting the right distribution channels and third party representation to ensure your product and brand is consistent and your marketing is successful.

But where do you start? Selecting your channels will help develop a strong strategy.

Distribution Channels

  • Some distribution channels include:
  • E-commerce
  • Brick and mortar
  • Retail
  • Television
  • Radio
  • Direct mail
  • Internal and/or external sales persons
  • Wholesale outlets
  • Distributors (domestic and international)

The costs to distribute in these channels vary. Some are cost-only such as pure advertising. Some, like a salesforce, requires the investment of hiring and training employees. While market research is the foundation of marketing, some distribution channels, such as international distribution, require heavy investments in market research to learn competition, foreign barriers, culture and more.

While you might want to choose all of them, limited resources or budgets prevent most companies from entering all channels at once. The choice you make in the end should align with your marketing strategy and budget. One consideration should be whether you use the services of a telemarketing company as part of your marketing strategy in order to outsource control over this matter to experts with an understanding of your intended demographic, how they prefer to be communicated to, and the best ways to create lasting relationships and overall credibility. If you’re looking to target an infamously loyal group, such as the military, you might want to read the advice on article such as and really think about your strategy with this particular group, as their values and thought process when it comes to buying something might be completely different to the general population.

Some considerations for choosing your distribution channels include

  • Lowest barriers of entry
  • Lowest costs of entry
  • Lowest risk

Barriers will vary by channel. Brick and mortar might be oversaturated for your industry, or it may be a channel that is underrepresented. While a salesforce might seem like a natural choice, it may be too costly to hire and train and pay persons to sell without guarantee of profit. Finally, often the most difficult channel is international distribution. Investing in market research to identify competitors, foreign policies, pricing and culture is expensive and can result in costly mistakes-but if done correctly, your firm could take the market-but expect it to take time.

Other factors you should consider is whether you have enough inventory to meet the demands of a particular channel and that your firm’s pricing allows a margin attractive enough for channels that will purchase and resell.

While simplified, taking the above steps will help you make informed choices decisions that align with your marketing strategy and research. Start simple, start smart.

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. Super Health Center offers distribution solutions as part of its comprehensive services. Save time and money and connect with us. We’ll evaluate your brand and your objectives and get your product in the right channels today.