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What is the HCG Diet?
What is the HCG Diet? There’s yet another diet on the market feeding the fat busting frenzy of the promise of fast fat loss; the HCG diet. The HCG diet’s unique and brazen incorporation of endocrinology, physiology and restrictive intake is renowned as revolutionary; a diet utilizing a naturally occurring hormone within the body—well, natural […]
Read MoreRecurrent Hormone Induced Yeast Infection
Recurrent Hormone Induced Yeast Infection Here we go again. The itchy, scratchy intro, the squirming, the dampness that makes it overwhelmingly distracting; all you can think about is scratching that implacable itch. The onset of a yeast infection never makes a subtle entrance, but more of a Kramer on Seinfeld kind of bust through the […]
Read MoreBariatric Surgery: Ketosis
Bariatric Surgery: Ketosis Bariatric surgery success results in dramatic size altering, and life altering changes in health and diet. It is a final option in some people’s battle against obesity. It can be a life-saving procedure that comes with a slew of health benefits. However, there are some things to consider after surgery. Most commonly: […]
Read MoreParalyzed by the Flu Shot?
Paralyzed by the Flu Shot? The flu shot can do more than keep you from getting influenza; it can possibly keep you from getting up ever again. It’s that time of year again where we see headlines featuring America’s flu shot inventory, the expected shortage, the ensuing frenzy to get signed up for your dose […]
Read MoreAcid Reflux: Natural Treatments
Acid Reflux: Natural Treatments It starts in your stomach, an insidious sizzling; a burning that doesn’t bode well for your day. Creeping up into your chest leaving a dull fiery trail in its wake and settles at the back of your throat. Acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common affliction for people […]
Read MoreIodine Deficiency Symptoms
Iodine Deficiency and Symptoms Many people are under the misconception that iodine deficiency is a condition of the past that is most often associated with cretinism and goiters, or increased growth of the thyroid gland often depicted in images as a grotesque monstrosity hanging from the base of the neck. The prevalence was capped with […]
Read MoreWhat is Brown Fat?
Brown Fat You may not have known this, but the human body actually has two different kinds of fat; brown and white. The white fat is the one responsible for beer bellies and flabby arms. The lesser known brown fat actually has a positive role in metabolism, and may actually keep you leaner. While humans […]
Read MoreWhat is Anemia?
What is Anemia? Anemia is the most common blood disorder in America today, but what many people do not realize it that there are over 400 different kinds of anemia. There are roughly 3.5 million people in America alone that suffer from anemia, but women and people with chronic illnesses are the most likely candidates […]
Read MoreHow to Treat (and Prevent) Shin Splints
Got Shin Splints? If you’ve ever tried running as part of your cardio, you may have experienced the excruciating pain smack dab in the center of your shins. This is also known less commonly as medial tibial stress syndrome. While it may feel like your bones are splintering off into your body causing the paint, […]
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