The Yo-Yo Diet
Ahh yes, the Yo-Yo Diet. Aptly called that because so many have succumbed to the ups and downs of weight loss and weight gain. No, there is no actual “Yo-Yo Diet,” but are you one of those people who struggles with your weight, having the ability to lose it, only to gain it all back again (and then some) after only a brief period of time? If so, then pay close attention to what you’re about to read.
Stop Saying You’re on a Diet
First off, you must stop thinking that you are on a diet. Diet is an ugly word, and quite honestly, diets do not work. I know that sounds crazy, but think about this; when you diet, you are planning to follow a planned eating regimen until you reach a specific weight goal….but what happens when you reach that goal?
Do you go back to normal eating? Do you follow a new plan? If you return to your normal eating routine of fast food, sugar-loaded coffee drinks and bakery goods, guess what happens? The weight comes back on with a vengeance, and you usually end up gaining a little extra. What happened? The Yo-Yo Diet.
The Body’s Fat Cells Don’t Go Away
Here’s how this works; when we gain body fat, the body is creating new fat cells. During that diet period, those fat cells shrink, but they do not leave your body. The only way to actually remove these cells from your body is through liposuction, and we are not recommending that.
Once you achieve your weight loss goal and you go back to your old way of eating, those existing fat cells fill back up with fat that is ingested, and it happens very quickly. It’s unfair, I know, but that’s why dieting and returning to old eating habits does not work.
An added reason dieting does not work is that people tend to jump right into them full-go from the get go.
You’re going to burn yourself out that way, and that will lead to failure. Think about it; on one day, you’re out eating whatever you want, but the next day, all of the sudden your favorite foods are on the “No” list. It’ll drive you crazy and you’ll hate it. That’s no way to go about trying to lose weight.
Instead, go about your weight loss goal this way; think of it as a lifestyle change.
Change Your Lifestyle
You’re going to be healthier, but over a gradual period of time. If you drink a lot of soda, cut it out of your plan. That’s one small change that you can handle, and it’ll make a big difference in your body. Once you’re accustomed to not drinking soda anymore, cut the fast food down to once a week, and then eventually not at all (unless you’re splurging). I think you get the idea. To avoid the Yo-Yo Diet effect, you have to make small, steady changes to your life–not hop on the Yo-Yo Diet train and expect long-term results.
Improving your health should not be a daunting task. With the small, incremental changes, you’ll find it’s much easier to stick to your plan, and you’ll be able to lose the weight and keep it off, permanently.
If you need help in your weight loss journey, take the same approach–do not get some stimulant pill promising you to lose 20 pounds in your first week. Get a natural supplement that has ingredients that are scientifically supported. Super Health Center carries one in particular called CapsiLean. It tackles multiple causes of weight gain. From burning more calories, blocking carbs and burning fat–you can lose weight and keep it off–naturally. Cut the string on the Yo-Yo and get back in those jeans. Get it here.