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Distribution Trends for 2020-2021

distribution trends 2019

It doesn’t seem like distribution can change on a fundamental level—get products to consumers and businesses. Right? But the framework that makes distribution is always changing. How customers shop, what they expect, what we can automate and how we can improve delivery are always on the top of the improvement list.

Let’s start with the focus: D2C

Distribution Trends 2020-2021: Direct to Consumer (D2C)

Retail and consumer markets are now focused heavily on D2C making these next couple years even more difficult for the Distribution Industry. B2B is being forced to the side of the road a slower growth rate of 4.7% this year. As such, distribution companies need to up their game on their business models and customer service.

Distribution Trends 2020-2021:  More Efficient Delivery Models

Let’s face it: delivery models are changing. They are more convenient and optimized—which means if you want to compete, you better optimize your models, too.

That’s the trend for 2020—replace outdated 3p services with streamlined cost-effective models to increase convenience, conversions and commitment to your brand.

Speaking of customer satisfaction, what better what than to develop real relationships with your customers? You can and you will if you want to stay ahead of the game in 2020.

Distribution Trends 2020-2021: Personalized Everything

Let’s get personal. Nowadays, we have access to customer’s preferences, habits, behavior flows, order histories and more (with their permission where required). What does this mean? DATA DATA DATA. Data is a gold mine.

We think of it this way-data is a long conversation with someone.  What you do with that information reveals your intentions. Do you use that information to get to know them? Relate to them? Develop a relationship with them?

Yes, the answer is yes.

So with all the information you have access to, analyzing that info and using it to communicate meaningfully is key.

Which leads us to our next item: customer service.

Distribution Trends 2020-2021: Customer-Centric Wins the Race

While brand voice, presence and reputation are extremely important—it’s really not going to matter if you don’t have the service to back it up. Customers want more in 2020. More than a brand name. They want a good experience. They want quality. They want a price that matches that value. They’ll ask your name if you meet their expectations.

As such, combining personalization with customer-centric strategies is key. Make people’s lives simpler, more convenient and make it even easier to contact you and reach someone in a variety of ways.

By phone, email or chat—you have the technology, use it.

Speaking of which…

Distribution Trends 2020-2021: Voice Powered Orders

Technology is live, but when we look back, it hasn’t been around ALL that long. Which means it will continue to evolve and change the way we do business…which is why distributors need to stay on top of tech trends to make sure they’re maintaining a competitive advantage.

Google and Amazon are some well-known pioneers for voice ordering…people are constantly on devices. And today, when they think of a purchase, they want to do it now and be done with it.

Make it easier for them.Whether B2C or B2B let your customers connect and tell you what they want, anytime, anywhere.

Are you sensing a trend in these trend? It’s mostly technology, mixed with a little humanity.

To bring a more personalized and convenient approach to relationships with customers than ever before.

If you’re behind in the technology game, you better get a pro to help level the playing field or you might find yourself benched in the industry.

Need help? We do it all from e-commerce to brand development. Contact us, let us make you the leaders in tomorrow’s trends,today.