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How Does Caffeine Work and Is Caffeine Good For You?

To understand caffeine, we’ll need to put on our white lab coats and go back to science class.

Let’s start with adenosine.

Adenosine is a chemical produced in the thinker. It’s a pre-sleep chemical that slows everything down and gets you ready for bed.

Caffeine is like an adenosine imposter.

It looks, chemically, like adenosine. So the adenosine receptors are like “HEY YOU! Come here and get this body ready for bed time, won’t ya?”

And caffeine, is like “Who, me?” as it saunters over to the receptors before

AH HAing it and speeding up the body.

After caffeine takes up all the adenosine seats, the brain has trouble identifying adenosine and so caffeine takes control.

In response, the body starts freaking out in its usual fashion and releases emergency hormones like adrenaline. Heart rate increases, airways dilate, blood pressure increases, sugar is released into the body as your muscles constrict ready to take on whatever imaginary foe your brain has thought up.

This persists for about 4-6 hours until it wears off.

So, are there any benefits besides becoming alert enough to make it through Monday morning traffic?

Actually, yes!

The Benefits of Caffeine

Studies show two cups of coffee a day can decrease the risk for cancer of the colon by a whopping 20 percent. Some people who are caffeine lovers may look up deals such as “subscriptions to have your beans delivered every two weeks” so they are never without their fix!

Caffeine fans are also 75 percent less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease and cirrhosis.

Its helpful in the reducing symptoms of asthma, headaches and menstrual cramps, too.

And some studies show when combining caffeine with exercise that you could reduce pre-cancerous skin cells. Now, don’t go and drink a whole carafe of coffee. Three cups a day, or 300mg is considered moderate. Additionally, it should be stated that caffeine may be a problem for people with heart conditions.

So there you have it, the science behind caffeine and the surprising additional benefits of taking caffeine.

Not a coffee fan? Want to incorporate it into your training program? Get Prolab’s caffeine-its our best selling advanced caffeine on the market delivered in a convenient pill.