Why was Ephedra Banned?
Nearly 15 years ago in 2003, the FDA banned ephedra products containing ephedrine. Since then, consumers have complained that their weight loss products don’t work as well and are constantly searching for products with ephedra or ephedrine.
Was it necessary to ban ephedrine products or was it an overreaction?
So what is the Ephedra Extract Ephedrine?
Ephedra is naturally occurring in the herb “ma huang’ which contains alkaloids called ephedrine. It is a natural stimulant that constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. It often acts as an appetite suppressant and energy booster, which is why ephedra was often included in weight loss products.
Side effects included strokes, heart attacks, seizures, psychosis, insomnia, and sudden death.
Mixing ephedrine with aspirin or caffeine increases risks and may lead to sudden death.
Why the FDA Banned Ephedra Products Containing Ephedrine
Studies showed ephedra use was associated with heart palpitations, high blood pressure and even heart attacks. Over 16,000 reports of adverse reactions were reviewed when the FDA made its decision.
Ephedrine alone has been linked to over 150 deaths and accounted for over 60 percent of poison control reports.
So why weren’t there stronger rules in place to prevent ephedra/ephedrine deaths?
Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, US firms don’t have to prove a supplement does what it claims because ‘herbal’ supplements are not classified as drugs.
This is why you’ll often see “These statements have not been approved by the FDA…..” on supplement bottles. Because under the law, they aren’t required to.
Supplements are permitted to be sold until danger is positively confirmed through such reports like the ephedra deaths and surviving users whom experienced adverse effects.
Since ephedrine was banned, new ingredients like coffee bean extracts and other high caffeine extracts are taking its place.
But beware, extremely high doses of caffeine have also been linked to adverse health effects and even death.
There are also companies who remove the ephedrine alkaloids from ephedra and sell the ephedra-only product.
Super Health Center only carries compliant supplements because we believe your health is top priority. If you have a concern regarding any supplement, please reach out. We’re here for you.