How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle?
If you’re just starting a fitness plan, you might want to plan when you’ll be able to show off bigger biceps or tantalizing traps. Or, if you’ve been working out for a while, you might wonder how much longer before you notice definition. Well, look no further, fit friend. We consulted the folks in white coats to determine how long it takes to build muscle.
Build Muscle: It Takes Time-But How Much?
Well, you know there’s no Hulk solution out there. You can’t just hit the gym and bulk up overnight, right? But you also don’t plan on waiting a year or more to start seeing some serious muscle. So what can you do? To help yourself gain more muscle, it’s obviously important to continue doing muscle-gaining exercises. Additionally, it could also be beneficial to consider taking one of the best protein powder for weight gain without side effects too. This could help you to achieve those muscles much quicker by gaining the essential weight that’s needed to develop muscles.
Build Muscle: Days, Weeks Months
When you train, whether you use bands, body weight, machines or free weights, you actually ‘damage’ your muscle cells. Your body begins to repair the cells by rebuilding it and reinforcing it. While every minute, the building of the muscle begins from the time you start training. You will begin to build muscle when you work out from day one. Many weightlifters and gym-goers opt to use a variety of supplements to help them achieve the gains that they’re aiming for; greens powder mix is one such solution used to prime the body and brain to burn fat and build muscle.
The cells work over the course of a couple of days to rebuild and when you rework them again, they start the process all over again. Slowly add a bit more to the muscle. Within two months you should notice a difference in muscle size as a beginner. For those with an athletic base, you can expect to see change within the first month.
The expectation is a gain of 1-2 pounds of muscle per month. It’s not a consistent gain, the body will adapt and you’ll have to work a little harder to build muscle. If you’re smart, you’ll reduce your intensity every 4-6 weeks so your body can’t adapt and you can continue to build muscle at the same rate.
Summary: If you’re new to training, expect to see bigger muscles in about 2 months.
If you have an athletic past, expect to see results in about 1 month.
How to Maximize Muscle Growth
If you want to perpetuate your muscle growth and stay at the top of the muscle building range, you can follow a few tips to increase your muscle size in less time.
- Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
- Train each muscle group 2x per week
- Lift 3-5 sets at heavier weights and rep out by 8-10.
There are many people who are willing to spend their time exercising at the gym to build muscle naturally. As this can be a long process, some may find that to speed up this process, taking supplements from sites like Steelsupplements.com can help with reaching their goals in building muscle. As sports supplements are becoming popular amongst gym-goers, for anyone new who is looking to go down this route, be sure to do some research into it, just so you have an idea of the benefits, especially as this will be something that you’ll be consuming. Be sure to find a way of building muscle that works best for you and your body and just don’t overdo it.
When you train your muscle groups, give at least one day in between the same group.
It’s scientifically proven that heavier lifts are more beneficial than high reps.
Need help? Stop by our shop and check out our sports nutrition section for all your muscle-building needs. And-stay consistent and keep your eye on the prize: bigger muscles.