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Is Alcohol Really That Bad?


Is Alcohol Really that Bad?

I’m sure you’ve heard about or read about how certain alcoholic drinks can be beneficial to your health. Generally, a glass of red wine per day is the recommendation, but what about how other alcoholic drinks affect the body?

Are they all really that bad?

Alcohol’s Affect on the Body

While it may seem like fun, as you drink, your judgment becomes impaired–leading you to make poor decisions like drinking more.

Drinking in excess is what causes issues.

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration since alcohol suppresses the production of anti-diuretic hormone and can lead to electrolyte imbalances.

Too much alcohol can also lead to stomach distress since alcohol causes the stomach cells to produce excess gastric acid.

Drinking moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages can also lead to high blood pressure.

Alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of health problems, and excessive alcohol consumption can only make these problems worse.

According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a 2009 article showed that alcoholic beverage consumption increased estrogen levels (a major factor in breast cancer), and as little as one alcoholic drink per day can increase the risk of breast cancer.

In other organs, heavy alcohol consumption can lead to pancreatitis, in which the pancreas becomes inflamed and is a major cause of pancreatic cancer. No one wants to hear that they have cancer, so it’s important to drink alcohol in sensible amounts. If you notice that you have some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, it’s important to book an appointment straight away with a doctor. They can use ultrasounds, from websites like, to see the pancreas and examine whether there is a growing tumor on the pancreas. If so, doctors will run tests to see whether that tumor is benign or malignant.

In the liver, heavy alcohol use can cause the liver to accumulate fat and lead to hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver.

In addition to hepatitis, the liver can succumb to cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver cells cannot regenerate and may also lead to liver failure. In addition to cirrhosis being bad for your health, it could also affect your chances of being approved for insurance, in this case getting advice from a Special Risk Managers could be a good route for you.

In high amounts, alcohol kills brain cells and can lead to memory loss and permanent brain damage.

These are just the physical ramifications of heavy alcoholic beverage consumption.

Alcohol abuse can also lead to relationship problems, trouble at work, and legal problems like drunk driving. So many people are stopped for drunk driving every year, so it’s clear to see that excessive amounts of alcohol can cause legal problems. If an individual is ever accused of drunk driving, it’s important that they consider finding a criminal defense attorney to represent them. A defense lawyer should be able to fight their case for them, hopefully, reducing their sentence. Alcohol can be dangerous if drunk irresponsibly, so be sure to drink in moderation.

In summary it can cause:

  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Stomach distress
  • Pancreatitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Brain cell death
  • Memory loss
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Relationship problems

While it may be safe to enjoy a glass of red wine each day, getting loaded on a frequent, or even an infrequent basis has some pretty steep consequences. While the use of supplents from a company like Simply Nootropics may help to negate some of the long term cognative problems of alcohol, the best solution is to drink responsibly and know what your limits are.

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