What is the HCG Diet?
There’s yet another diet on the market feeding the fat busting frenzy of the promise of fast fat loss; the HCG diet. The HCG diet’s unique and brazen incorporation of endocrinology, physiology and restrictive intake is renowned as revolutionary; a diet utilizing a naturally occurring hormone within the body—well, natural to those people who are pregnant, to be precise.
But does it work?
Human Chorionic Gonatropin (HCG)
This diet is based upon the physiological function of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonatropin (HCG) in gestating women and the impact that it has on the body, specifically on the fat stores within the body.
It has been suggested through scientific observation that HCG in a pregnant woman is a defensive measure the body takes to move fat stores into circulation for fetal growth in an effort to spare fetal development in women that are unaware they are pregnant.
Needless to say, this natural defense mechanism was most effectively utilized in times lacking the pregnancy tests used today; in this era it wasn’t atypical for a woman to be ignorant of her expectant state for the first trimester.
Under normal awareness of pregnancy, a woman will increase her caloric intake to sustain the growing fetus’ nutrient and energy needs; in the absence of this increase, HCG will stimulate a mobilization of fat stores to provide energy needs for the fetus, allowing for the possibility of insufficient maternal intake without affecting the growth and development of the fetus.
HCG Diet Basics
So how does it work and what do you have to do to benefit from this double edged diet?
The protocol is cyclic, meaning that you go to a doctor, get the prescription for HCG, you take a shot the first three days without dieting. On the third day you restrict your caloric intake to 500 calories a day. This is only possible through the suppression of hunger effected by the HCG. This restriction lasts around 30 days. The principle behind this is that the caloric restriction will aid in the HCG mobilization of fat stores to be utilized for fuel (or the perceived fetus). The weight loss has been reported to be up to 40 lbs.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see why this diet is effective: 500 calories a day for a month is extremely restrictive. It’s completely your choice if you want to try this diet, but instead of getting the HCG shot at the doctors, why don’t you try buying it yourself? Getting it done at the doctors can cost a lot more than purchasing it off IHCG Injections Website.
It is definitely a more extreme method to lose weight, but there’s no denying it works.
Lose Weight Naturally and Keep it Off
It might take a little longer, but it will stay off if you lose weight the right way–especially when ingredients are scientifically supported. Super Health Center carries an extremely effective supplement called CapsiLean. With ingredients shown to burn calories, block carbs and burn fat–you can change the way your body responds to food and fat and get back in those jeans. Stop by the shop to check it out.