Testosterone Deficiency
As men age they find it harder to gain muscle while they lose their sex drive. Is a testosterone deficiency to blame?
In many cases, yes. A test deficiency can cause many symptoms that can impact quality of life. But what causes it?
What Causes a Testosterone Deficiency
Andropause is the male version of menopause that women experience, however, women enter this stage typically around 50 years of age when their natural female hormones decline, whereas men experience a gradual decline in testosterone starting at age 30.
An added component to testosterone decline is the increase in a chemical that binds test and prevents the freely available hormone from being used by your body.
Symptoms of a Testosterone Deficiency
Symptoms vary but typically include:
- depression
- hair loss
- muscle loss
- bone loss
- decreased libido
- increased body fat
- fatigue.
How to Combat a Testosterone Deficiency
Methods to fight this natural occurrence include:
- resistant training
- calcium supplementation
- protein supplementation
- hormone replacement therapy for those whose decline is more rapid than normal.
If you’re interested in testosterone replacement therapy, you may find it useful to have a look at the existing research prior to arranging an appointment with your chosen medical professional. TRT is a lifelong treatment, so you want to make sure you’re making the best decision for you.
For those who want to naturally balance their diminishing hormones, there are several options men often turn to, some legal, some illegal. You might also be shocked to find out that porn use has actually been linked to enhanced arousal to sexual stimuli in a scientific study by Dr. Lehmiller – so try watching some videos on tubev.sex to boost your libido.
Prohormones, steroids and test boosters.
What are Prohormones?
Prohormones are utilized as precursors to the androgenic hormones that are reduced within the body to promote muscle growth, libido, and strength. They are required components for the body to make steroids.
What are Steroids?
Anabolic steroids are man-made compounds that mimic the effects of testosterone. They increase lean mass, burn fat, and increase sex drive. Although a more natural alternative to increase your sex drive would be to search escort Marseille and find the right woman to float your boat.
When taking steroids your body relies less on itself to make test, and eventually testosterone levels fall. It can also result in unsightly and dangers side effects including hair loss, oestrogen production, rages, impotence and more…Oh…and they’re illegal.
What are Testosterone Boosters?
Test boosters are often natural herbs and supplements formulated to increase your body’s own testosterone production.
The risks far outweigh the benefits for the illegal substances banned by the FDA. It is always best to first talk to your doctor, and next, use natural therapy to combat deficiencies. Stop by our shop today and get your test levels back up, and start enjoying such things as physical intimacy, HD XXX made accessible by HDPORNVIDEO and an increase in your happiness to regular levels again.